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i stole it you see! they weren't my ideas originally, but i made them mine. i took those ideas who belonged to people i looked up to: people who had answers to problems i was facing, people who had musical ideas that moved me so greatly, people who have created musical arrangements that tickled my ears, people who set the standards in audio engineering, people who have completely cracked marketing and captured an audience in a way that is genuine and through connection. i took the ideas and things they've pioneered and changed them. i stole them and adapted them to showcase my perspective on the world.

i have a lot of different perspectives, you see, and they change how i steal things. i steal through my lens. its like a translation of someones ideas into the way my brain interprets them. it's like taking a recipe for french onion dip you find on your favorite chef Guy Fieri's website and changing some of the ingredients so you like it better. stealing things through my lens makes them something only i could have made. it makes it special. it makes it personal.

okay so i have another secret actually. you're all stealing too. you might not realize it but you also are stealing everything you see. its what makes us who we are. it makes us artists. it makes us human. we see the things that inspire us and we use those things we love to fuel our own creative ideas. its what i pride myself on. using it as a conscious tool allows me to express myself in ways i never could've before. it's how i honor what things make me who i am. so yeah, i steal. and i'm not gonna stop. i'm gonna keep stealing until the day i die.


ryan is a member of Maestra and the Dramatist Guild.

hi, im ryan and i like stealing. its my favorite pass time. whenever i want something i just take it and then its mine! and im gonna keep stealing until the day i die.

also, i have a secret. its pretty big so promise not to tell anyone. do you promise? great. my stealing is completely legal.

now i know that that seems super confusing. ryan, you're stealing! how is that legal!! well its simple really, its kinda like when you're a kid in high school and you have short answer responses about chapter 3 of tuck everlasting due and you didn't have time to do the homework the night before because you had musical rehearsal after school and had to get up before school that morning for swim team practice, so now you're begging your classmate to let you look at their answers but you promise them that you wont copy it exactly so you don't get slammed for plagiarism.


©2024 Ryan O'Dea

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